Monday, 21 February 2011

(500) words of confession.

Yesterday I posted 5 reasons why the next Spiderman film will be awesome (as if you didn't need convincing already!?)
In doing so I mentioned the director Mark Webb, the director of 500 Days of Summer. I also went on to mention 500 Days of Summer saying...

"Mark Webb’s previous film was (500) Days of Summer. Not the most shocking film in existence, but a decent flick none the less, and shows the direction for the Spidey films taking a whole new route."

After I uploaded this blog, I received an angry text... or two... from my sister. 
The conversation went something like this...
Me: Where!?
Me: But think about my audience Laura! They'll think I'm a chick-flick loving ponce, who watches and enjoys stuff like Twilight. (I promise, that is the first and last time I every say the "T" word on this blog ever again.)

So, I told her I would admit it on my blog, that I did in fact thoroughly enjoy 500 Days of Summer, and I'm not ashamed by this at all!

Sorry, Joseph.
Although most chick flicks are usually so excruciatingly painful to watch, 500 Days of Summer is quite the opposite. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a one of cinemas rising stars, after 500 Days of Summer he went on to Inception, in which I thought he was very good, and since then he obviously became pally with Christopher Nolan because he's been cast in the finale of potentially one of the best movie trilogies of all time, The Dark Knight Rises! And in 500 Days of Summer I thought he was cast perfectly, as the everyday guy, the guy we all see parts of ourselves in. 

The other lead role in 500 Days of Summer was of course, Summer played by Zooey Deschanel, of whom, I approve, and you find yourself become gradually obsessed with her as the film goes on...
Om, nom, nom.
Anyway, what I like the most about this film is it wasn't scared to be different. Guess what, it doesn't end with the happy ending you predict at the start! It's not so unfeasibly romantic it hurts. It's genuinely funny! But above all, watching it makes you feels good. I go to the cinema to indulge in drama, to laugh at comedy, to be in awe of things I'll never get to see in my life appear in front of me look so real it feels like I could touch it (no 3D pun intended) but films like this just make you feel good, and if you have passed this film by because it smells too much like "Remember Me" or "He's Just Not that Into You" then shame on you! My sister convinced me to watch it, and I've seen it about 3 times now! 

So what I meant to say in my last blog was, even if The Amazing Spiderman doesn't go down the dark, gritty route, it is in perfectly safe hands with Mark Webb, because he knows how to make a damn good film.
Don't get me wrong, 500 Days of Summer hasn't given me urges to go out and buy a Jennifer Aniston boxset, but it's proof that watching something different to your usual viewing can leave you pleasantly surprised. 
So, menly men of the world, confess your secret favourite films in the comments below, it's okay... no one will judge you if you cried at The Notebook. 

Thanks for reading guys, I'll post again soon!

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