With so many films out at the moment it begs the question, how does one find time to see all these amazing films! I'm particularly excited about The Fighter and True Grit. A boxing film and a cowboy film, both tipped for oscar success.
Unfortunately, believe it or not, my girlfriend isn't keen on either of these. How she can resist Mark Wahlberg's biceps will be a mystery to me, but each to there own. So this leaves me no choice.
A man date.
Just to make one thing clear, a man-date isn't a "date" involving romance, cuddling, sharing of popcorn or the ol' yawn reach around the shoulder trick (which, might I add, never fails). No. A man date is the most manliest of affairs. Two men, united by cinema (and maybe a couples combo. what? it works out cheaper...) joining forces to watch epic movies which most girlfriends wouldn't dare boldly step foot into. My man-date is fellow man-child, Tom.
You may be thinking, what makes this man date so epic anyway? Well, it's because we're seeing True Grit and The Fighter. Together. ON THE SAME DAY, WITHOUT LEAVING THE CINEMA. (except maybe for provisions. Like KFC. Standard man-date procedure.) And if we don't pass out from testosterone over-dose (-edit. that sounded much less gay first time I wrote it) we might even watch Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's latest caper "Paul" as well. A cowboy film, a boxing film, and a sci-fi film in one day!? Living the dream, folks.
Anyway, I'll be writing reviews and thoughts of all three films as soon as I get chance. The man-date shall be taking place in about two weeks, but I should post more film news before then. Check back soon for these reviews, and any other film related chunks of awesome I wish to share.
See you around film-fans!
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